The CSOB-Group-CSIRT provides IT security incident response for the CSOB group (leading financial services provider in the Czech Republic) and its customers.

Mission Statement

The purpose of CSOB-Group-CSIRT is:

  • handling computer security incidents
  • ICT forensic analysis
  • coordinating computer security incident response
Sponsorship and/or Affiliation CSOB-Group-CSIRT is part of Československá obchodní banka, a. s. (ČSOB)
Constituency Type Financial Sector
Constituency country Czech Republic
ASNs, Domains, IP ranges *.csob.cz,,

Contact Information

CSOB group customers helpdeskeb@csob.cz and phone +420 495 800 111
other CSIRT/CERT teams cybersec@csob.cz
Business Hours 8:00am to 5:00pm
Timezone GMT+01 / GMT+02

Public Keys and Encryption Information

User ID CSOB-GROUP-CSIRT <cybersec@csob.cz>
Key ID 0xD004BB2D
Key type RSA
Key size 3072
Expires never
Fingerprint 969469C6295BB8D670762C9DD74A1FB0D004BB2D